Welcome to the Tundra Times Newspaper Project website
The Tundra Times was the voice of Alaska Natives from 1962 to 1997. It reported on events that transformed the Alaska Native way of life, including settlement of land claims, founding of Native corporations, and the transfer of health and social services to Native-operated nonprofits.
You are invited to enjoy the photographs contained in the database. Not all of the photographs came with information about who is in them or when they were taken. In many instances we don't even know the name of the photographer who took the pictures. If you have information about any of the pictures, please let us know using the response form.
Many thanks to the project sponsors without whose support this project would not have been possible. Our thanks too, to the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and the village councils of the North Slope for their continuing support of projects at the Tuzzy Consortium Library.
David Ongley, Library Director
Tuzzy Consortium Library

- Inupiat Paitot
People's Heritage - Den Nena Henash
Our Land Speaks - Unangu Tunuktaug
The Aleuts Speak - Ut Kah neek
Informing and Reporting - Yupit Kanlautciat
The Way Eskimos Talk
Contact and Copyright
Tundra Times Photograph Project
Page last updated: October 17, 2018
Contact Tuzzy Consortium Library for more information.
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All text and images are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without written permission from their respective owners.